Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wherefore art thou Vista?

We got the new computer yesterday. To save a big chunk of change we held on to our old monitor, small screen, and massive piece of machinary though it may be. As it so turns out, the Windows Vista operating system which comes preloaded on the computer does not recognize and is not compatible with monitors older than 1 year. So we turn on the computer and can't see anything, and a call to customer support pretty much tells us we're out of luck and we have to buy a new monitor. Kinda something they should point out when you place an order don't you think? Now I'm sitting in front of this enormous pretty new monitor with a screen bigger than Aubrey, and the irony of the situation is that we didn't want Vista for a few reasons so after we bought this monitor we basically needed it to see what we needed to see in order to swap back down to XP. C'est la vie.
Aubrey is getting so big, and I think she is starting to develop a little bit of a routine. She actually only woke up once the past two nights, it's like Christmas came early! I got to sleep from 11-3 and then again until 7, two nights in a row. Oh happy day! We got some fun toys today that we'll have to try out when she wakes up from her nap. Have I mentioned that she naps now too? Par-tay :)

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