Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a fun filled trip!

In case you haven't noticed, I like pictures - lots of them, and I like making little digital scrapbook pages... also lots of them :) I've already worked up quite a few from our last little trip. I am still waiting to collect pictures from the various cameras in Laguna before I make that page - hint, hint :). But until I get all the pictures and have time for some chatty blogging, here is my digital scrapbook of (some of) our most recent trip. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

We're going back!!!!

So in my last post not too long ago we were back home... we're about to go back again. *Happy Dance* Hurray for Mother's Day. Just have a quick second to post so I'll toss in some bonus pictures of the princess and some things Elder Jason has shared with us about Russia. We got giggles out of how they say "Congratulations with Christmas" and birthday's and other holidays instead of Merry or Happy. And on a less silly note, we hear that the week of Easter you greet people by saying "Jesus is resurrected!" to which they answer "truly he's resurrected!" Yay for Russia and their interesting greetings :)

Now for the pictures -