Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ranch Dressing to the Rescue?

Miss picky pants is the toughest nut to crack when it comes to getting an ounce of food in her tummy. There are about 3 things she will eat with any consistency, and only like a little bird. As I was trying in vain to get her to eat pieces of chicken fingers, I thought, hey - maybe ranch dressing would make it more palatable. Well the ranch was a hit! Unfortunately, the chicken finger pieces only served as a vehicle for getting the ranch to her mouth. Once they were licked clean they were promptly discarded. That is, until she found out that apparently sourdough toast tastes good dipped in ranch too and the chicken finger pieces were completely abandoned. *Sigh* I thought babies were supposed to gobble up everything without discretion!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Soccer girl

Aubrey just got a Halloween package from Nana and Papa and they included an Aubrey sized soccer ball. An instant favorite! Way to go Nana & Papa!!!

We spent this morning, and then take 2 this afternoon trying to get some nice family pictures at the park. Aubrey was much more intersted in exploring and pulling up grass and flowers than in sitting still for a family photo. Our first trip this morning was too cold and we didn't last long, nor did we get any good shots. What I did get was a gimpy limp for the rest of the day because I stepped in a hole and my foot bent a way feet shouldn't bend :-S
We did get a couple cute shots though our second time around though :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Say Cheese

I know I've been a total slacker when it comes to updating here! We're down to 72 days until Jarom's last day - wooo hoooo! And Aubrey and I will be leaving a little before then. And since the munchkin is a 22 hour a day job I've been trying to pack a little each day in those 2 hours I sometimes have. I know, excuses, excuses... Well here is something to make you smile then -

Everything is good over here in Nebraska. The warm weather is slipping away very quickly. Now it's time to bundle up and do all the fun fall things you can do out here in the middle of the country, like... corn mazes, pumpkin patches, hay rides, and .... more corn stuff I guess.

Aubrey is getting so big, and so fast. One second trying to give stuff to the dog, the next second climbing on top of the couch, the next running away from me with a guilty look on her face and probably something in her mouth. She is learning new words all the time and definitely understands us, but that doesn't translate to obeying those words when it doesn't sound fun. "Bring Mommy a book or toy" are always winners, "eat your peas", not so much.

Mommy and Daddy are her favorite toys right now. She figured out that she can grab our fingers and lead us around the house and to whatever fun thing she wants us to do. Like bringing us to her flower toy that plays music and making us dance. The other day Jarom was sitting on the couch counting to 3 then lifting her up in the air from the ground then plopping her on his lap. If he stopped Aubrey would grab his hands and start counting "one, one, eeee" or "two, one, eeee" every once in a while she even got "one, two, eeee" I was rolling. Who needs outside entertainment when you have a toddler?