Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ranch Dressing to the Rescue?

Miss picky pants is the toughest nut to crack when it comes to getting an ounce of food in her tummy. There are about 3 things she will eat with any consistency, and only like a little bird. As I was trying in vain to get her to eat pieces of chicken fingers, I thought, hey - maybe ranch dressing would make it more palatable. Well the ranch was a hit! Unfortunately, the chicken finger pieces only served as a vehicle for getting the ranch to her mouth. Once they were licked clean they were promptly discarded. That is, until she found out that apparently sourdough toast tastes good dipped in ranch too and the chicken finger pieces were completely abandoned. *Sigh* I thought babies were supposed to gobble up everything without discretion!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Girl, I hear ya...Aubrey and Taylor could start their own weight-loss program for adults...just eat what they eat! I'll be skinny in no time! p.s. like the new blog layout ; )