Friday, October 19, 2007

To the Pediatrician's office!

We made a trip to the doctors office the other day. This is a difficult decision for me to make because I am aware that I am paranoid, so I second guess my worries. She was making this awful gagging noise. Picture the sound you would make if you stuck your fingers down your throat but coming from a baby not sticking anything in her mouth (at the moment). She did it all day Tuesday, culminating (warning - grossness ahead) Tuesday night in her projectile vomiting. I think since it was like 5 times more than her average spit up so it's upgraded to vomit. First thing Wednesday she made the sound again and I called the Dr.s office. We played video of her making the noise for the Dr. and he decided it was just GERD and not bad enough to do anything about other than what we already do, so whew. Thank goodness for modern technology or the doctors would just think I'm an absolute spaz instead of an over-worrier.

On a happier note, I think we'll play dress up and take some pictures of Aubrey today. I hung the family portrait we had done and it looks so lonely. Luckily I can take my own pictures and print them in 8x10 for less than 2 bucks at Walmart so I can change those out as often as I want :) What do you think of these that we ended up with?

1 comment:

Jason's Mom said...

I think you should print up every picture you've ever taken of that adorable baby girl and wallpaper your living room!