Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holy crap!!!!!

So I just got my insurance statement from my hospital stay when I had Aubrey. Thank goodness I had reached my deductible and I'm not seeing this in the form of a bill. Not counting the roughly $3000 my OB charged for delivery, the hospital bill came to $16814.65. It costs nearly $20,000 just to give birth!?!?!?! (to a healthy child no less, imagine what people have to pay if, heaven forbid, their child needs special care!) The biggest chunk is over $8000 for the operating room, which I was in for under an hour. 3 days in my semi-private room and board only cost $2900. I am kid of wondering what "Ancillaries" cost me, or rather luckily my insurance, $3350 though. Must have been the digital thermometer they used on Aubrey and subsequently sent home with us. The most disturbing thing to me, even more than the charge for the ominous ancillaries, is the fact that the hospital has worked out a charge of $3400 for the operating room with my insurance. Not a "oh sorry thats over the covered amount" deal either, thats all they bill my insurance and its under the covered amount - sorry suckers without insurance, you have to pay more than twice as much! So I guess sans-cesarean it would be a lot cheaper, but still frightening.

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