Friday, June 20, 2008

Wow! 11 months old!!!

How did that go by so fast? I can't believe she's coming up on one year already. I saw a tiny newborn the other day and I couldn't believe how tiny she was, I couldn't believe Aubrey used to be that small - actually smaller! I couldn't believe how big she is now and how fast she is learning and growing. I can't believe my baby is almost a year old!!!! I added a fun little countdown to her big day. Not much to report on for now. Aubrey is still climbing on everything, trying to walk, and learning new things every day. Jarom has finished data collection for his research so now he starts his thesis. I am still reveling in Mommy-hood. We are fairly certain we'll be coming home at the end of this year. All in all, all is well in our little world!

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