Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Little laughs!

My baby girl is starting to laugh! The first time it was so goofy, Jarom really got her going by singing the itsy-bitsy spider to her and the next day I had her cracking up by explaining that a touchdown was 6 points and then the extra point made 7 and repeating 6+1=7 was just plain hilarious apparently. Then we tried to catch her on tape and no more laughs :( We did manage to covertly get a couple seconds the other day - not in its full goofy glory, but precious nonetheless!

(If the video wont load go to and go to the videos page to see this video and more)
My stomach is turning now that it's November and her 4 month appointment and more shots are coming up, but then I try to think past that to December when we get to go home for Christmas!!! Of course that causes me a little anxiety too since she's in such demand and winter is cold and flu time and I can just picture all sorts of grubby hands grabbing at her. Is it possible to be Panthophobic by proxy? Do I even need to ask, I know it am! Deep cleansing breaths....I can survive having a child... who knew the hardest part would be the pathological worrying?

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