Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy 4 months Aubrey!

The poor sweet baby is drifting in and out of sleep right now after another round of vaccines. She's also had her first snow today - which for her meant being bundled up in her bear coat and buried under a pile of blankets while we ran her from the car to the doctor's office and then afterwards back out to the car. The snow was a bit of a surprise though, the weather predicted some flurries and I wore sandals, brrrr. She is getting so big! 14lbs!! The nurse measured her at 26 inches long too, but we remeasured since we knew she was off because of how much Aubrey was moving and we got 25 inches so somewhere between there.
Tomorrow is Aubrey's first Thanksgiving and we'll be spending it with my great Aunt, or 1st cousin twice removed or something like that. Our only family in Lincoln, but a definite upgrade from no family in Philadelphia. I'm making the mashed potatoes :).

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