Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Look Out! Aubrey is Mobile!!!

Just about a week ago she just started moving across the room! She was headed for her object of constant fascination, the dog :) Malibu has been freaked out pretty much ever since then and is often running away from her. I have to go to Target today and buy a big enough baby gate to block off the kitchen and another one for the top of the stairs, then I have to spend the rest of the day figuring out how to make half of my furniture levitate about 3 feet off the ground so she can't hurt herself on it or play with things she shouldn't. I might also have to invest in one of those play yard fences to block off the desk because I am at a loss there! :) My mommy was right, I spent all that time encouraging her to crawl and I already wish she couldn't get in to everything everywhere!


Guileless Mom said...

OH my goodness! Just found your blog on Lisa's blog. Why have I missed out on all these fun cousin updates??!! :D So fun! Can't wait to get our July babies together again for Mother's day!! You guys comin' down??

~Amy (& Joe)

P.S. Can we add your link to our family blog?

La Yen said...

Your mom and aunts spent a while trying to get Jooj to crawl. I cursed them for it.