Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This will hurt me more than it will hurt you

We just got back from the doctor's office for Aubrey's dreaded 2 month appointment. I think I did cry more than her, and while she's sleeping now I still hurt inside. Since we held off on the Hep B, the Hib, which is normally mixed with Hep B, got mixed with another injection instead of being on its own, and she only had to get 3 instead of 4 shots which was nice. I also wasn't assailed for refusing the Hep B, a little eye rolling maybe, but the doctor agreed she's not really at risk and sees no problem with waiting until she's older. Aside from the vaccinations, I brought up a couple other worries and the doctor told me we know too much for our own good. Specifically about osteogenesis imperfecta. It's one of those awful conditions that happens to affect the teeth too so we know about it's other symptoms, one of which is blue-gray sclerae (the 'whites' of the eyes). I wont get into the reasons why they look that way, but suffice it to say I know now that for similar reasons, normal infants eyes can look that way too. And Aubrey's sclerae are not blue enough to worry the doc. It must drive pediatricians crazy when they treat the children of other health care professionals, they have the non-doctor kind like us who know enough to worry about things normal people don't think about and they have the doctors who probably have their own conclusions about everything and treat the pediatrician as a second opinion.
Anyhow, it's done with and I get 2 months of peace before having to put her, and me, through that again. And with Aubrey actually sleeping, I should probably try to get some much needed sleep myself!

1 comment:

Jason's Mom said...

I feel your pain. :( I know you don't remember your baby shots, but I STILL do! You never want anything to hurt your precious angel. :)