Monday, September 24, 2007

ortho wive's club

Aubrey and I just got back from a lunch date with some of the other residents' wives and their children. Since we're the only ones who waited a while to have kids, Aubrey is the only siblingless child. When I got there it was like the zoo's monkey population exploded and they sent the overflow to Culvers to forage for fries and ice cream. Between the 4 other moms there were 10 kids, the vast majority under 4. Aubrey did good for about a half hour until an 18 month old started screaming for kicks and giggles. I was aware that kids screamed for a variety of reasons, I however did not know that they did it repeatedly in increasing volume just for fun. While her mom was trying to calm her, a 10 month old had been through enough of it and he started crying. Aubrey was not a fan of the chaos so we excused ourselves. Brief though it was, it was nice to get out of the house.

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