Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy 8 months little one!

Aubrey is 2/3rds of a year old! Time flies huh? She's mastered crawling and is starting to wave, and for a child that outrightly rejected any bottles or pacifiers is getting pretty good at drinking from her sippy cups. She even does a good job of 'feeding' herself - if I give her a spoon with food on it, most of it gets to her mouth :). She is just growing up so fast. Getting so big too. We just had to upgrade to the convertible car seat since she is too long for her infant seat now, and she's even wearing some things in 12 month size! I have no idea where all that time went, and now I'm fairly certain I'm going to turn around and our babble conversations will have turned into conversations about which grad school to attend!

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