Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Aubrey!!

She is a year old today! I can't believe it!! I have some cute pictures to put up, but then it's back to packing and getting ready to visit California!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Children's Museum

Monday, July 7, 2008

Look who's walking!!!

Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes when she took a few steps and less than an hour later she was walking almost 5 feet on her own!!! A little while later she was making her way to the end of the couch and trying to walk off on her own across the room. Pretty soon she's going to be running all over the place. She is just so amazing :) Just earlier today I was saying I hoped she started walking before we left for California so Jarom could see it, I guess she took that as a challenge!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hope there were lots of Happy 4ths to go around!

Let's get it out of the way first - check out that beard on Jarom! It's his "thesis beard" and it will not go away until said thesis is completed. His adviser has given him an arbitrary early deadline of the end of August, as opposed by graduation in the middle of December. He is supposed to be dedicating hours previously dedicated to eating, sleeping, and breathing to finishing his thesis early. He's voluntarily sacrificed shaving hours as well. :)
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Lincoln was an absolute war zone of loud bangs and sparkley fireworks. We contributed in a small way of our own so that Aubrey could have her first 4th in style. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they're banned back home aren't they? So sad :(
Speaking of home... have I mentioned how excited we are to be coming back home and be done with school for good at the end of this year? Once we find out when the magic date is we'll get a count down going *happy dance!*